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Five(ish) Fangirls Podcast

Jun 27, 2017

***CONTENT WARNING! This one isn't for little listener ears.***

Valar Morghulis! Beware playing the Game of Thrones, as you might just die. Join us as we discuss the epic TV series that is Game of Thrones. We talk our favorite and least favorite characters, the battles, the dragons...we even get into the psychology and...

Jun 13, 2017

Happy Birthday to US! Happy Birthday to US! Join us as we celebrate 3 years of podcasting! We look back at what we've done over the 3 years, and what we've done as people in the process. Plus we answer YOUR questions you sent in. So even if you're a long-time listener or a first-timer, hopefully you'll learn something...

Jun 6, 2017

Team SHIELD is facing the ultimate test as Aida gains a human body and the included human emotions. Will Coulson and crew be able to defeat her? Or will they require assistance from a certain Ghost Rider? Join us as we discuss the resolution of the 'Agents of Hydra' storyline along the conclusion of S4 of Agents of...