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Five(ish) Fangirls Podcast

Apr 30, 2015

*Another fresh from the archives! We hope to eventually get all of our "back episodes" (aka the ones we did before we got on iTunes) up on said iTunes as time (and server space) permits. Consider these episodes a little extra squee in your week.*

This week, the Five(ish) Fangirls have been given Level 7 Access and bring...

Apr 30, 2015

Fresh from the archives, it's the very first episode of the Five(ish) Fangirls Podcast! Listen to us introduce ourselves and explain how the heck we got started in this whole podcasting thing.

We hope to eventually get all of our "back episodes" (aka the ones we did before we got on iTunes) up on said iTunes as time...

Apr 27, 2015

Grab your towels and hitch a ride to the restaurant at the end of the universe in this week's Five(ish) Fangirls podcast. Things get a little silly (okay a lot silly) as we explore Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Plus we have more Marvel news (it's not like they have a big movie coming out this week...

Apr 20, 2015

This week all parts on the Five(ish) Fangirls will be played by Tatiana Maslany.......okay, we're just kidding. But Tantiana and her multiple personalities on "Orphan Black" are the topic for this week's show. Listen as we try and wrap our heads around the multilayer storytelling of the Clone Club, and how BBC...

Apr 13, 2015

Breaking news! Stuff is happening and we're going to talk about it! In a slightly different format this week, it's all news all the time. We talk Marvel, Lego, Disney, Star Wars, Doctor Who and more! Plus we have a request for you, our listeners to help us determine a future #FlicksWithFriends.

Take our Star Wars With...