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Five(ish) Fangirls Podcast

Mar 29, 2015

It's a special time this week on the Five(ish) Fangirls as Doctor Who celebrates 10 years since the series returned to TV. We have a special guest, Mikayla from the Web of Queer podcast, who joins us in reminiscing about how we discovered Doctor Who and what the current series means to us. In related news, Rachel shares her experience hanging out with fellow Whovians at Who North America and has an interview with WhoNA owner Keith Bradbury.

We also have news from Big Finish (our wallets are still crying from last week's news), Sherlock (warning, potential spoilers!), Heroes, and the X-Files. Plus a new month ahead means a new photo challenge and a new book for the Traveling the Vortex Book Club.

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